This weekend we decided to get the builder issued bushes out of our front flower beds. I have been wanting to do this for a while. Those bushes drive me nuts!!!!!! DH doesn't care what we plant out there so he sent me off to the nursery all by myself. I was a little overwhelmed for about an hour and then finally I started asking some questions and decided to get 5 hydrangea bushes. They are suppose to bloom all summer long so hopefully we will have some very pretty flowers soon.
This is our flower bed with the standard issued bushes after we raked up all the pine straw.
Thank goodness those horrible bushes are gone.
Here are the new hydrangea plants and the new mulch. I am not a fan of pinestraw!!! Hopefully in the coming weeks we will have beautiful flowers.
We did keep the standard issue bushes and re located them to the side of the house. Of course Riley had to make sure everything was squared away with them.
We then fertilized everything and hopefully they will all thrive in there new homes.
Mrs. Dyer